SMARTT Social Media
JV Page:
Commission: FE = 100% of $9.00 Upsell: 50% $19.98 Down sell 50% $11.98
Media Do you recognize the need to be active in Social Media, but do not truly understand how to do it effectively?
Improve market intelligence and get ahead of your competitors with social media! Recent research by Forbes indicates the importance of Social Media influence for businesses:
Business owners with any size business should take advantage of the benefits of Social Media in order to promote their business, products and services.
Like it or not, we now live in a digital era and everyone now relies on the Internet when they need to get information regarding something,
Viral effect
Viral effect – this was a “free post” and not a Facebook Ad, using the same techniques showing in our SMARTT Social Media training.
This is a contract we have from our Government Authorities and from the 557 reached (THESE were local people only) we were able to attract new clients to attend our training and we generated over $6000 for this one post.
and due to high population of businesses on Social Media and our “call to action button” we were able to have a response rate of less than 24 hrs, which in reality, would have taken 2 to 3 working days to reply via email, meaning lose of business

Viral effect from one Tweet

Day 1 & 2
22 New Followers
3 Tweet Likes
1 Re-tweet
Day 3 & 4
27 New Followers
1 Like
1 Re-tweet
So…. Can you imagine advertising your own product and been able to reach to a wider audience and expand outside your local area on auto pilot using Social Media
Put yourself in the scenario – Imagine that a potential client is actually looking for a certain product, or checking for a promotion. They won’t be able to find you unless you leave a footprint that the can trace back to you!
Check out our google analytics starts for a promoting campaign linking all our Social Media to that particular campaign

Well look no further – do it the SMARTT way and let us help you discover the real power of social Media
Check out these remarkable FACTS about Social Media which show that it is the most effective vehicle in taking your business to the next level.